January 2023

Cobalt Blue: A Missed Opportunity for a Live-Action Adaptation

Netflix’s latest release, Cobalt Blue, finally hit screens on April 2nd, 2022, after a delayed release from December 2021. The film, based on Sachin Kundalkar’s novel, was highly anticipated by fans of the book, including myself. But, unfortunately, the live-action adaptation failed to live up to expectations. The Plot Adaptation Cobalt Blue revolves around a...More Please

Antoni Porowski’s “Antoni in the Kitchen” Cookbook

“Antoni in the Kitchen” by Antoni Porowski, star of Netflix’s “Queer Eye,” is a cookbook published in 2019. It includes over 100 recipes showcasing Antoni’s unique culinary philosophy: simple, comforting ingredients and bold flavors. Antoni’s warm, approachable style shines throughout the book as he shares tips and tricks for making delicious meals at home. He...More Please

“The Musicians”: A Masterpiece by Caravaggio

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was a prominent baroque painter known for his realistic style. His painting, “The Musicians”, located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, is considered one of his most famous early works and a testament to his genius. The Subject of the Painting “The Musicians” features four young boys...More Please

Taste Makers: Seven Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America

“Taste Makers: Seven Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America” by Mayukh Sen is a non-fiction book that delves into the stories of seven immigrant women who have significantly impacted the American food industry. Written by journalist and food writer Mayukh Sen, who has written for publications such as Bon Appétit, The New Yorker, and...More Please

“Cobalt Blue” by Sachin Kundalkar – A Thought-Provoking Exploration of Human Relationships

Sachin Kundalkar’s “Cobalt Blue” is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the impact of secrets and lies. The story centers around a mysterious man who rents a room in the Joshi household and drastically alters the lives of the two siblings, Tanay and Anuja. Though the man...More Please

Taylor Swift’s “Lavender Haze” Music Video: A Celebration of Diversity and Acceptance

Taylor Swift’s latest music video, “Lavender Haze,” has been getting a lot of buzz and for good reason. The video, which was directed by the 11-time Grammy-winning singer herself, stars the talented trans model, activist, and singer, Laith Ashley, as Swift’s love interest. For those who have seen the video, you’ll understand why Ashley is...More Please

Henry Scott Tuke: The Celebrated British Painter of Homoerotic Male Forms

Henry Scott Tuke, a British painter, gained fame for his powerful and direct depictions of the male form, many of which were homoerotic in nature. He belonged to the Newlyn School of artists, a group of artists based in Newlyn, Cornwall, who were known for their depictions of everyday life in the area. Despite the...More Please

“The Handmaiden”: A Psychological Thriller with a Queer Twist

“The Handmaiden” is a 2016 South Korean psychological thriller film directed by the acclaimed Park Chan-wook. Set in colonial Korea during the 1930s, the film tells the story of Sook-Hee, a young woman who is hired as a handmaiden to a wealthy Japanese heiress named Lady Hideko. However, Sook-Hee is actually a pickpocket working with...More Please

Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene” – A Painting by Simeon Solomon

“Sappho and Erinna in a Garden at Mytilene” is a painting created by British artist Simeon Solomon. Known for his incorporation of mythology and classical motifs with depictions of same-sex love and homosexuality, Solomon created this work during the late 19th century. Depiction The painting depicts the ancient Greek poets Sappho and Erinna, who were...More Please
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